Tech Schedule

Note: You will receive an email asking you to fill out a Google Form to provide all tech information. Below is the schedule overview. It will be filled in, once the program order is determined. Individuals involved in works requiring setup on stage are required to arrive during the load in time to setup their gear. Sound checks will occur later at the assigned time.


Concert I: Friday, January 26,11 AM | Dalton Recital Hall

8:00-8:40 AM: load-in/setup time
8:40-8:55 AM: Helmuth
8:55-9:10 AM: Malloy
9:10-9:25 AM: Decker
9:25-9:40 AM: VanHassel
9:40-9:55 AM: Qi
9:55-10:10 AM: Pounds
10:10-10:25 AM: Haering
10:25-10:40 AM: Brewster
10:45 AM: Doors Open
11:00-12:30: Concert
12:30-1PM: clear stage
1-1:30 PM: set signal flow and WMU supplied equipment for next concert

Talks I: Composition Focused
Friday, January 26, 2 pm | Richmond Center, room 2008

There will be 5 minutes between talks to transition between each talk. There will be 20 minutes before each session to set- up all of the presentations.

Talks II: Technology Focused
Friday, January 26, 4 pm | Richmond Center, room 2008

There will be 5 minutes between talks to transition between each talk. There will be 20 minutes before each session to set- up all of the presentations.

Concert II: Friday, January 26, 8 PM | Dalton Recital Hall

5:00-5:40 PM: load-in/setup time
5:40-6:10 PM: Rogers/Sullivan
 6:10-6:25 PM: Belaya
6:25-6:40 PM: Topp
6:40-6:55 PM: Lillios
6:55-7:10 PM: Whiting
7:10-7:30 PM: Ihnen
7:30-7:40 PM: Borcherding
7:45 PM: Doors Open
8:00-10:00 PM: Concert
10:00-10:30 PM: Clear Stage
10:30-11:00 PM: set signal flow and WMU supplied equipment for next concert

Concert III: Saturday, 27th, 11 AM | Dalton Recital Hall

8:00-8:40 AM: load-in/setup time
8:40-8:58 AM: Jones/Park
8:58-9:16 AM: Deal
9:16-9:34 AM: McCright
9:34-9:52 AM: Bacon
9:52-10:10 AM: Soria
10:10-10:30 AM: Gifford
10:45 AM: Doors Open
11:00 -12:20 PM: Concert
12:20-12:40 PM: Clear Stage and set signal/WMU supplied equipment for next concert

Concert IV: Saturday, 27,  3:30 PM | Dalton Recital Hall

12:40-1:20 PM: load-in/setup time
1:20-1:40 PM: Pluta
1:40-2:00 PM: Hron
2:00-2:20 PM: Busch
2:20-2:40 PM: Mason
2:40-3:00 PM: Thorn
3:00-3:15 PM: Stone
3:15 PM: Doors Open
3:30-4:50: Concert
4:50-5:10:  Clear Stage and set signal/WMU supplied equipment for next concert

Concert V: Saturday, 27, 8:00 PM | Dalton Recital Hall

5:10-5:40 PM: load-in/setup time (Belet sets up Kyma; Christie sets up offstage computer)
5:40-6:00 PM: Belet
6:00-6:10 PM: Rice
6:10-6:25 PM: Phillips
6:25-6:35 PM: Peracha
6:35-6:50 PM: Stage Change
6:50-6:55 PM: Miller
6:55 - 7:05 PM: Lin
7:05-7:20 PM: Sears
7:20-7:45 PM: Christie
7:45 PM: Doors Open
8:00-10:00: Concert
10:00-midnight: clear hall