SPLICE Institute 2019

SPLICE Institute is a weeklong, intensive program for performers and composers to experience, explore, interpret, and create music for instruments and electronics. The 2019 Institute took place June 23–29 at the Western Michigan University School of Music in Kalamazoo, MI. 

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The 2019 SPLICE Institute theme was best practices and entrepreneurship.

Participants were offered a variety of activities to suit their interests and electronic music experience. Each day was filled with workshops, masterclasses, collaborations, and lectures, concluding with a concert curated and performed by faculty members. 

Composer and Performer Participants selected for a concert collaboration had the opportunity to collaborate and create a new work to premiere at the Institute. Community building and collaboration form the core of SPLICE’s mission and activities. Participants become part of a community that continues to grow and develop beyond the Institute.

Each year, SPLICE Institute faculty and participants present up to nine concerts featuring some of the most exciting music involving live performance and electronics. Since 2015, over 250 works for live performance and electronics, including 123 world premieres, have been programmed at SPLICE Institute. 

The SPLICE Institute’s infectious enthusiasm was clear... No doubt the SPLICE Institute will continue to grow as a hub of contemporary electroacoustic performance.

-I Care If You Listen, August 2016